Lublin Info Centre

“The Mother” of foreign students in Lublin

She was a foreign student herself and first came to Lublin 12 years ago. Now she takes care of people who come to the city from the furthermost corners of the world to study here. Wiktoria Herun works for the City of Lublin, Strategy and Investor Relations Department and is a coordinator of the Study in Lublin program. She is a person who really has lots of energy. In her free time she likes to run and riffle through books, lately especially biographies.

You’ve graduated journalism, politology and management, and ended up working in Lublin’s Town Hall…

Six years ago there was a recruitment for the Department of Strategy and Investors Assistance of the Town Hall, specifically for the Study in Lublin project. The requirements included knowledge of Ukrainian, Russian, and English. I decided to give it a shot but I remember thinking: “A Ukrainian in the Town Hall? How is that even possible?” My friends were completely bewildered when I got in. Now I’m responsible for the Study in Lublin program and for integrating foreign students with the local community. It’s a perfect job for me. It’s journalism in a way because I’m always among students and other people and that’s why I love this job so much. We work with universities and business segment. My job is very dynamic, I don’t spend eight hours a day in front of a computer screen. I sense that my experience as a foreign student can be passed on to others. Filling in forms and waiting in lines in offices were not the nicest memories. Now I really enjoy running the meetings with students when I can finally clarify everything to them.

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