Lublin Info Centre

10th Edition of the Lublin Mayor’s Economic Award

Applications for the 10th edition of the Lublin Mayor's Economic Award are ongoing. Deadline is September 4th. The award confirms the highest business standards of the company and its position on the economic map of Lublin.
Award are ongoing

This year’s edition does not change the competition categories: Innovation, Global Market Presence, Big Firms – Economic Locomotives of the City, and Young Companies. Candidates for the Lublin Mayor’s Economic Award in each category should make a significant contribution to the economic development of the city and meet at least one of the following conditions:

  1. in the ‘Innovation’ category:
    a) carried out highly innovative research or investment during the last three years,
    b) obtained significant economic effects resulting from the implementation of innovation;
  2. in the ‘Global Market Presence’ category:
    a) succeeded in exporting by a high share and dynamics of exports in total sales,
    b) stand out because of research or innovation implementation;
  3. in the category ‘Big Firms – Economic Locomotives of the City’:
    a) have a positive impact on the labour market of Lublin,
    b) have implemented significant investment projects,
    c) have a recognisable brand;
  4. in the ‘Young Companies’ category:
    a) have shown a dynamic increase in sales since the beginning of the company’s existence,
    b) have the potential for further development,
    c) show a dynamic growth of employment.

You can submit your application for the Lublin Mayor’s Economic Award by filling in the form for the selected category located on The Award’s website and sending it to by September 4th, 2017.

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