Lublin Info Centre
Lublin in Lub-Invest – Polish-Eastern Conference

The event provided exciting opportunities to share best practices in encouraging business cooperation between Poland and eastern countries. This special and prestigious event sparks wide interest in Poland and abroad. This results from the topics being covered as well as attendance of outstanding experts in various fields sharing best practices with conference participants.
The agenda includes such points as the most recent matters pertaining to developing and cementing economic relationships between Poland and the countries neigbouring in the East. Particular emphasis was placed on the role played by the City of Lublin and Lublin Region, which are commonly known as the ‘gates to the East’.
Investors from Eastern Europe were presented investment opportunities available in the City of Lublin and Lublin Region by Mariusz Sagan, Head of the Strategy and Investor Relations Department in Municipal Government Administration of the City of Lublin, Artur Habza, Head of the Economy and International Cooperation Department in Marshall Office for Lublin Region, and Paweł Prokop – President of Manager Initiative Foundation, Head of PUCC Mission in Lublin. The speakers highlighted unique opportunities available in the City of Lublin and Lublin Region and emphasised investor-friendliness of this area, which results from pristine infrastructure, well-developed scientific facilities and experienced academic staff as well as achievements in such industries as IT, automotive, food, aviation, etc.
In the last several years, there has been an increase in the importance of legal economic and education-related migration from Ukraine to Poland. Due to amended provisions of law, Ukrainian citizens are particularly interested in this movement. Representatives of job agencies discussed problems which the Ukrainians face when accessing the Polish market. Issues pertaining to increasing number of international students from eastern countries were presented by Wiktoria Herun, member of staff in Municipal Government Administration of the City of Lublin, who also talked about a project she is responsible for, i.e. ‘Study in Lublin’.
Conference participants emphasised the need for organising this event on regular basis, not only due to the matters discussed in the event being very topical subjects but also due to rapidly changing economic and geopolitical conditions.