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Lublin Mayor’s Economic Awards 2018

Main Prize:
– EVOTEC Sp. z o.o. for providing its solutions to the largest companies from the automotive industry, continuous development of the company and the development and use of material that has not yet been used by any other company in the world, and which is a solution to many production problems.
Honourable mention:
– KLEMENT REAL ESTATE (AMERPHARMA) for continuous product development, the highest quality of cooperation and building good and long-term relations.
Main Prize:
– uPaid Sp. z o.o. for introducing branded technological solutions for the leaders of the mobile payment and e-commerce industry, as well as for gaining the leader level on the recommended list of payment solution providers.
Honourable mention:
– Mastermedia Cioczek i Wójciak Sp. J. for building awareness of high-quality Polish products abroad and successive increase in sales export;
– Spiżarnia Sp. z o.o. for continuous improvement of service quality, growing trust among customers, as well as for the promotion of Polish food among foreign consumers.
Main Prize:
– Polskie Zakłady Zbożowe Lubella GMW Sp. z o.o. for its active involvement in the economic development of the city of Lublin, the creation of a large production complex, huge investments and promotion of the city and the region in their nationwide campaigns.
Honourable mention:
– Fabryka Cukierków “Pszczółka” Sp. z o.o. for expansive development, while maintaining the highest quality of the offered product and systematic increase of employment in the company;
– POL-SKONE Sp. z o.o. for active and consistent implementation of the company’s development strategy, the creation of several hundred new jobs in the company’s most modern production plant in Lublin and activity for the local community.
Main Prize:
– GT85 Polska Sp. z o.o. for the intensive development of the company and its R&D infrastructure, including the launch of a chemical laboratory providing services commissioned by entities from the automotive, electromechanical, aviation, construction, machinery and medical sectors.
Honourable mention:
– C2C Sp. z o.o. for stable and sustainable development of the company, introduction of its brand of products and application of innovative solutions in the form of bacteriostatic and degradable foil packaging;
– Medi-Sept Sp. z o.o. for implementing its own, new technology in the form of technical knowledge and production of new products with a broad combat spectrum.
CONVERGYS INTERNATIONAL Sp. z o.o. for its active contribution to the economic development of the city of Lublin, systematic increase in employment over the last 2 years by as much as 150%, which has now led to the hiring of 400 people in the company, who perfectly serve customers in several foreign languages and serve the most significant global companies, including Samsung and Uber, as well as for creating a unique workplace that goes beyond the standard understanding of contact center.
GLOBAL PROPERTY Sp. z o.o. was the winner of the competition “Employer of the Year 2017” in the category of Microenterprise – Small Company. In the Medium – Large Company category the winner was 1 Military Clinical Hospital with Policlinic Independent Public Healthcare Institution in Lublin. Awards were granted for effective cooperation with the Municipal Labour Office in Lublin, submission of vacancies, employment of the unemployed, acceptance of trainees and apprentices and participation in undertakings organised by the Municipal Labour Office in Lublin.