Lublin Info Centre
NEXBIO in fight for healthy food

NEXBIO, whose tag line is: Next Generation Biotechnology, specializes in designing dedicated solutions based on molecular analyzes that serve to early diagnosis of crop diseases. Currently the team runs groundbreaking researches which aim to create the panels of test that enable to detect crop pathogens in early stages.
As a result, pathogens’ growth is prevented through the measured and well-aimed array of plant protection chemicals. Such solution is cheaper, more efficient and more environment-friendly, as it results in lowering the level of pesticides’ usage.
NEXBIO’s major R&D focus is on the prototype of portable DNA analyze device which should allow pathogens’ detection in the field conditions.
Despite relatively short history NEXBIO is already a winner of Startup Contest that took place during infoShare 2016 in Gdańsk, where nearly 300 Central-European Start-ups competed for the main award.
In September 2016 NEXBIO took part in “Startups in the Presidential Palace” event, where they were chosen from 200+ Polish startups to present their solutions in the presence of the President of Poland, MPs and MEPs.
In June 2017 NEXBIO will participate in Top 50 Pioneers challenge in Vienna, among other innovative companies from all over the world.
Currently NEXBIO represents Poland in global competition “Chivas the Venture” for startups with a mission to create positive change in the world. Total amount of awards is 1 million $. For 5 weeks, since 8th May until 12th June, $50,000 will be divided amongst the finalists based on people’s votes every week. That makes a total of $250,000 at stake. There is one vote for each person each week.
On-line voting is available through: