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Lublin Mayor’s Economic Awards 2023 presented to the city’s top businesses

The competition is one of the ways to recognize entrepreneurs, scientific and research institutes, innovators, and inventors who employ best practices in business, make a significant contribution to the development of Lublin’s economy, and build a positive image of the city both nationally and internationally.
For 15 editions of the competition, we have awarded and distinguished over 120 Lublin-based companies and institutions supporting the economic development of our city. Every year, we meet with business representatives who have been building their high market position for years, as well as with young entrepreneurs who have recently decided to connect their economic future with Lublin, yet have already become an integral part of Lublin’s DNA. The winners of this year’s edition have made a significant contribution to the economic development and modernization of our city. They promote positive standards and actively engage in activities to promote and build the prestige of Lublin’s economy, says Krzysztof Żuk, the Mayor of Lublin.
The Competition Jury, which selected the winners, includes representatives from the business world, academia, media, and local government. In this year’s edition of the Economic Award of the Mayor of Lublin Competition, over 40 applications were submitted. Awards were granted in five categories: Innovation, Global Market Presence, Large Companies – Economic Locomotives of the City, Young Companies, and Creative Industries.
Winners of the Award in the Creative Industries category:
- [Main Award] Pyramid Games S.A. is a studio specializing in the creation of computer games, founded in 2012. The Commission paid special attention to the company’s approach to employees, whom the company considers a key investment, providing them with the opportunity for development in the gaming sector in Lublin and ensuring stable employment. Equally important in the evaluation was the promotion of the city of Lublin nationally and internationally, as well as involvement in projects developing the competencies of Lublin’s youth and active participation in consultations of the Center for the Development of Creative Industries.
- [Honorable Mention] MOCNO Studio – Michał Ćwiek – the foundation of MOCNO Studio’s activities is comprehensive implementations in the field of visual identity. It collaborates daily with global and national brands. The Commission appreciated the studio for its continuous development of competencies, especially in the direction of niche services such as commercial sculptures or web/mobile and Virtual Reality design. The owners are involved in urban projects and are also part of the LuCreate collective.
Winners of the Award in the Young Companies category:
- [Honorable Mention] Dogtronic is an IT sector company focusing on software development (software house). The Commission praised the company for its intensive development, continuous investments in employees, collaboration with companies such as Żabka, Carrefour, or Perła, implemented technology allowing image analysis for grocery stores, and fit monitoring for tomato growers.
- [Honorable Mention] Techni Schools is an education sector company. The Commission appreciated the company for its innovative educational project aimed at educating young people in the field of the latest information technology and the opportunity to gain practical experience in renowned companies already at the high school level.
Winners of the Award in the Innovation category:
- [Main Award] SIM Ltd. has been a thriving company in the IT sector for many years. The Jury appreciated the company for implementing the innovative ComatlQ project for managing automation and energy in networks of distributed facilities on a European scale.
- [Honorable Mention] Arcus Systemy Informatyczne received recognition for implementing the original innovative project One4all eduHR, allowing the management of all personnel and payroll processes at higher education institutions.
Winners of the Award in the Global Market Presence category:
- [Main Award] POL-INOWEX is a company specializing in highly advanced dismantling and relocation projects worldwide. The Jury awarded the company the Main Prize for its activity in over 15 external markets and the construction of a strong family company based on knowledge and innovative technology.
- [Honorable Mention] The Jury recognized MarkARTUR for the intensive promotion of the Lublin company in international markets and the use of Lublin specialists in the preparation and design of the company’s projects.
- [Honorable Mention] Bempresa Production Plant, specializing in the production of milk powders, was appreciated by the Jury for its intensive activity in over six international markets, the continuous development of the company, and the use of Polish components in export production.
Winners of the Award in the Large Companies – Economic Locomotives of the City category:
- [Main Award] Stokrotka was honoured with the main award by the Jury for its impact on the Lublin labour market, the perception of Lublin on the national and international market, and brand recognition. The Jury also appreciated charitable, ecological, and assistance activities in the city of Lublin.
- [Honorable Mention] Voice Contact Center is a recognizable and appreciated company in the modern business services industry, specializing in multi-channel customer service. The Commission praised the company for the dynamic development of the Lublin branch, systematic growth of employment in both branch offices, and intensively developed innovations in the company’s activities.
Winners of the Special Award category:
- Asseco Business Solutions S.A. Lublin branch is an innovative company specializing in the production of software for entrepreneurs. The company is inseparably linked to Lublin, contributing to the economic and social development of the city by creating jobs, supporting the development of human capital, and engaging in charitable activities. For these efforts, the company was honoured with the Special Award of the Mayor of Lublin Economic Award.
- Intrograf-Lublin S.A. is a specialized packaging printing company, which has been based in Lublin since 1948. The company is a leader in the field of packaging printing in the Lublin region and strongly engaged in pro-ecological activities. The company played a significant role in the development of the special economic zone in Lublin, contributing to its popularization among other entrepreneurs. The initiator of the “Park in the Zone” project, where, together with Lublin students and companies operating in the SEZ, they created recreational areas in the Lublin Subzone of the Economic Zone.
Additionally, during the event, awards were presented in the competition for the best diploma thesis – 14th edition. The competition recognizes diploma theses – bachelor’s, master’s, engineering, and doctoral – defended at any university and field of study whose subject relates to the broadly understood development of Lublin or the Lublin Metropolitan Area. The competition is organized as part of Lublin’s bid for the title of the European Youth Capital 2023.
Winners of the Best Diploma Thesis Award – 13th edition:
In this year’s edition, the Competition Jury did not decide to award the Main Prize. However, five distinctions were granted.
The first Distinction, valued at £3,000, went to Marta Piesta for her work entitled “Concept of Developing Dry Valleys in the North-Western Part of Lublin for Children’s Recreation.” The work was supervised by Dr. Eng. Arch. Anna Polska from the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management at UMCS.
The second distinction, valued at £1,500, was granted to two individuals. The Jury appreciated the work titled “Are Citizen Panels Effective? A Comparison of Experiences in Gdańsk and Lublin” by Filip Górski. The supervisor for this work was Dr. Anna Dąbrowska from the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies at the University of Warsaw. The second Distinction was also awarded to Anna Maria Łukasik for the work “Urban Revitalization of Zamojska Street in Lublin.” The specified research area was explored under the supervision of Dr. Hab. Eng. Arch. Natalia Przesmycka, Prof. at the Lublin University of Technology, in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
The third distinction, valued at £1,000, was given to Jakub Lech for the work “Perspective of the Development of the Lublin Agglomeration Based on the Railway Transport System.” The supervisor for this work was Dr. Eng. Sławomir Tarkowski from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Lublin University of Technology.
An honorary mention in the form of a three-month graduate internship at the Lublin City Office, with a total remuneration of £4,000, was awarded to Yelyzaveta Andriushkova for the work titled “Determinants of Professional Activity of Ukrainian Refugee Women in the Lublin Region.” The work was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Hab. Elena Mieszajkina, Professor at the Faculty of Management at the Lublin University of Technology.
Content Partner: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. Strategic Partners: Lubelskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej S.A., Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Lublinie Sp. z o.o., Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne w Lublinie. Partners: Bystra, Colian, Lawenda, Mini Mas, Perła, STOCK, Takushi Sushi, Winnica Dwa Wzgórza.