Lublin Info Centre
Business for Youth – Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

One of such initiatives is the project ‘Entrepreneurial Youth’ created by the Lublin City Hall in collaboration with Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS). The programme aims to develop entrepreneurial attitudes and competences among young people as well as support Lublin’s youth in their first steps taken in the labour market.
We are presenting a new initiative addressed to young residents of our city. With a view to their good start into adulthood and the beginning of professional life, we want to introduce Lublin’s students to the business and develop in them entrepreneurial attitudes. Education in this area will allow for conscious choices, shaping interests and choosing the direction of professional development. The initiative is a continuation of the innovative project “Entrepreneurial Kids” addressed to pupils and created in collaboration with partners of the City of Lublin – says Krzysztof Żuk, Mayor of Lublin.
The “Entrepreneurial Youth” project is addressed to both students and teachers from Lublin’s secondary schools. The programme includes participation in specialist workshops conducted by UMCS employees, and study visits to well-known businesses based in Lublin. What is more, participants will have an opportunity to create professional media coverage of the event under the supervision of specialists from the Chatka Żaka Academic Centre for Culture and Media. On top of that, students will take part in the Academy of Entrepreneurship of UMCS and visit the university’s campus.
The organisers of the project have also prepared a competition in which young entrepreneurs will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired during the workshops and create consulting projects for Lublin companies that promote their products on social media. Authors of the best ideas will be awarded attractive prizes. Other activities within the project include training and workshops for teachers preparing them to work with young people, but also concerning human resources management and the ability to deal with stress.
We encourage educational institutions, companies from Lublin and representatives of creative industries to take part in the project. Recruitment of participants and partners will last until February 6, 2022. It is expected that about 300 students (10 classes) from Lublin secondary schools will take part in the first edition of the project.
Detailed information on the project, application form and recruitment regulations can be found at
Due to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, the pilot edition of the project will be carried out in a hybrid form, while maintaining the necessary rules of the sanitary regime. The project is implemented in cooperation with Lublin companies and representatives of creative industries.
Contact for companies and representatives of creative industries:
Monika Król
Strategy and Entrepreneurship Department,
Lublin City Hall
phone: +48 81 466 25 00
Contact for educational institutions:
Bartłomiej Twarowski
Faculty of Economics
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin