Lublin Info Centre
HyperView expands footprint with opening of new office in Lublin

HyperView’s operations began in 2014, but its employees can boast more than 20 years of experience. Headquartered in Gliwice, the company provides services that allow for comprehensive support of an investment process through the collection, processing and publication of structured information regarding spatial management and investing in a city.
HyperView has been operating successfully for years, which led its founders to expand its operations and open a new branch. The choice of Lublin for the next investment location was not accidental, though.
We had wondered for a long time where to open a new branch, and eventually, we decided to choose Lublin because we see great potential for growth in this city. Access to talented staff, great location, high quality of life… There is everything you need to start a business here and successfully develop it, says Wojciech Jeszka, CEO of HyperView.
The company focuses on developing computer software to streamline the operations of local government units. HyperView’s applications primarily meet the needs of public administration related to spatial planning, architecture, construction, environmental protection and geodesy. The technologies provided by the company allow for, among others, creation of geoportals and city plans. What is more, HyperView provides dedicated solutions, including cloud applications handling specific problems of a given department or city unit. Thanks to the modern and open technologies, HyperView integrates its solutions with other systems operating in the local governments such as e-services, documents flow and financial systems.
This new investment opens up new opportunities for residents in the local labour market, as the company plans to hire Lublin’s talents and thus create a team that will play an essential role in the company’s further development.
The opening of a branch in Lublin demonstrates the strength of our company and the prospect of further expansion. I am convinced that the decision to open a new office in Lublin will prove to be the right one, and will result in new contracts, adds Mr Jeszka.
HyperView is part of a larger capital group, that also includes Tensoft founded in 1989. The company with its offices in Opole, Gdansk, Bydgoszcz and since 2021, also in Lublin, creates comprehensive IT solutions for public administration.
Lublin’s strategic location, good business climate, but most of all its strong human capital are undeniable assets that helped us decide to locate our new investment here. Lublin’s universities and colleges each year develop specialists in fields such as geoinformatics, geodesy, cartography, or computer science, whose knowledge and competencies match the employee profile we are looking for, says Henryk Stężała, CEO of Tensoft.