Lublin Info Centre
Lublin Mayor’s Economic Awards 2021 granted

The purpose of the competition is to promote the best companies, institutions, and organizations providing a significant contribution to the modernization and economic development of the city and building a positive image of Lublin in Poland and abroad.
The nominees in respective categories were judged by a Competition Jury composed of representatives of local businesses, universities, media and governments.
In this year’s edition 12 Lublin’s entrepreneurs were awarded in 5 categories and 2 received special awards
Main award:
BioMaxima for dynamically growing profits and revenues, innovative investment activities in the field of microbiological molecular investment, including rapid screening tests and genetic tests, which as the only one from the Polish market have been approved for use in the EU and obtained very good results in independent international and national tests.
GIS-Expert – for strengthening the company’s potential in the field of R&D, implementation of a project on comprehensive spatial analyzes for the real estate market as well as for the internationalization of sales markets, obtained patents, licenses, and implementations, including 3D models, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Inetum Polska – for implementing an innovative solution on the European market for a leading manufacturer of jet engines, based on advanced analytics (Big Data).
Main award.
Chemnovatic – for implementation of the most innovative projects, dynamic and constant development of the company, diversification of sales markets and constant increase in employment in the company, launching the R&D department and laboratory which enable the improvement of new and already existing production processes as well as performing analyzes and laboratory tests.
Amerpharma – for increasing the efficiency of export sales and effective customer acquisition in new prospective markets. The jury also appreciated the fact that almost 100% of subcontractors, contractors, and raw materials come from Poland.
Evotec – for the dynamic growth of the company’s exports, 100% Polish capital and supporting Polish producers and distributors (80% of the company’s suppliers are Polish companies) and cooperation with international global companies.
Hemplab – for the constant development of the company, designing its own innovative technologies on a global scale, using the regional scientific “know-how” as well as for the close cooperation with Lublin universities and for transforming over the last 4 years from a startup to an entity with a strong position in Polish market.
Plantalux – for the very dynamic development of the company on one of the most rapidly growing markets using pro-ecological solutions as well as for cooperation with scientific institutions in the world, and innovative investments that allow the company to achieve further success.
Main award:
Herbapol Lublin – for the implementation of modern and innovative investment projects, a positive impact on the Lublin labor market, internationalization of sales markets, a strong brand in the country and abroad, active activities for the economic development of the city of Lublin, as well as enormous support for hospitals and medical facilities during a pandemic.
Protektor – for systematic investments and implementation of innovative technologies, the constantly growing pace of the company’s development and increasing employment, cooperation with local suppliers, taking care of a sustainable supply chain, and extensive pro-ecological activities, as well as supporting local medical and aid units during a pandemic.
Billennium – for a systematic increase in revenues, profits, and employment, introducing innovative technologies that improve the lives of many people and enhance the functioning of the organization, but also for comprehensive charity work and supporting the local community.
Studio Format – for a positive impact on shaping the image of the City of Lublin, as well as cooperation with Lublin universities, providing training and internships to students, and supporting local business through collaboration with Lublin printing houses.
Medisept – for its active contribution to the economic development of the city of Lublin, support and assistance to Lublin medical units during the pandemic, but also for the undertaken investments that will contribute to an increase in the production capacity of the existing production plant located in the Lublin Subzone and development of an innovative research and development center.
Lublin Development Foundation – for 30 years of supporting the socio-economic development of the Lublin Region, provided assistance for Lublin entrepreneurs, business environment institutions, and local governments. Nearly 300 aid projects, acquired and implemented by the Foundation during many years of operation, contributed to building a strong local economy and the activity of the SME sector.
The strategic partner of this year’s edition was Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego – a Polish development bank, whose mission is to support the sustainable socio-economic development of Poland whereas the substantive partner was PwC Polska, whose goal is to build social trust and solve key problems.
The event partners included Grupa Colian, Sushi House 2PiEr, STOCK Polska, Winnica Dwa Wzgórza and Woda Bystra while Kurier Lubelski, Dziennik Wschodni, Lublin Branch of Gazeta Wyborcza, Nowy Tydzień, TVP 3 Lublin and Polskie Radio Lublin were media sponsors.