Lublin Info Centre

Top 10 Student-Friendly Cities in Europe

Lublin was listed on Top 10 Student-Friendly Cities in Europe by College Magazine. Our city is in prominent company of 7 capitals and 2 other big and famous cities.

7. Lublin, Poland
You may think of Warsaw or Krakow when you think of the lovely nation of Poland, but Lublin actually holds some of the country’s greatest learning opportunities for foreigners. Northwestern junior Olyvia Chinchilla said, “I think the city was perfect for a summer language program because everyone was very welcoming, [and] the majority of people out and about were native so there were plenty of opportunities to practice speaking.” The town also houses a palace (imagine having a palace as your next-door neighbor) and high-class cuisine. Lublin even puts its own twist on art with its avant-garde theater. Keep it #collegestylish in Lublin.

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